Мадонна дель Буон Рипосо, или Богоматерь приятного отдыха {6565}
Madonna del Buon Riposo, or Virgin of sweet rest
- автор:
- Гаггини А.
- Antonello Gaggini
- история:
- Антонелло Гаггини (1478 - 1536)
- Antonello Gaggini, the finest Sicilian sculptor of the sixteenth century, carried on the traditions of his father Domenico, who had migrated from Genoa to Palermo.
- место:
- Палермо
- Palermo
- перемещение:
- церковь Санта Мария делла Спасимо (1528 - )
- church of Santa Maria dello Spasimo
музей Нац.
- Museo Nazionale
- композиция:
- Богородица и Младенец с ангелами
- Virgin and Child with angels
- композиция:
- Virgin quietly holding the sleeping Child stands in a niche ornamented with seraph heads.
- Above the architrave, ten figures of praying patriarchs venerate a symbol of the Virgin which once crowned the monument but is now lost.
- There is a rather conventional sweetness in Antonello's earlier works, but at the height of his career he achieved a more convincing expression.
- оформление:
- 1528.
- Мрамор. Резьба.
- Carving on marble.
- предмет с изображением:
- файл
- m_riposo
- www.kfki.hu/~arthp/art/g/gaggini/m_riposo.jpg
- 554*1000
- True Color
- 140 Kb