Св. Кирилл Белозерский, в житии {6364}
St Cyril Belozersky, with scenes from his life
Кириллов: монастырь Кирилло-Белозерский ( - ~1932)
Kirillov: monastery of St Cyril Belozersky СПб: ГРМ (~1932 )
St.-Petersburg: Russian museum
St Cyril, previously Cosmas, is tonsured by Stephen of Makhrishchi

12 Св. Кирилл разговаривает со св. Сергием Радонежским в Старосимоновом монастыре Рождества БР

St Cyril converses with St Sergy of Radonezh at the old Simon monastery of Birth of Virgin

13 Св. Кирилл становится игуменом Новосимонова Успенского монастыря

St Cyril is installed as abbot (archimandrite) of the new Simon monastery of Dormition in 1388

14 Св. Кирилл оставляет пост архимандрита, чтобы удалиться в Старосимонов монастырь

St Cyril resigns as archimandrite to withdraw into mute seclusion in the old St Simon monastery in 1390


SS Cyril and Therapont go out to Lake Beloye in 1397


St Cyril plants the cross

21 Крестьянин Андрей поджигает келью св. Кирилла, которая чудом потушена

The villager Andrew sets fire to Cyril's cell, which is miraculously extinguished
Прибытие строителей создаваемого св. Кириллом Успенского монастыря
Church masons arrive to build the Dormition monastery that Cyril founds

22-55 Св. Кирилл

St Cyril

26 Чудесное спасение монастыря от огня

The monastery is miraculously saved from fire


Prince Belevsky sends envoys to St Cyril to pray for the birth of a child


St Cyril appears in a dream to prince Belevsky and his consort and tells them that a child will soon be born to them


The miraculous "draught of church wine" - when there was not enough wine for the administration of the Eucharist, the chalice was miraculously refilled



Fishermen are saved from drowning in the lake in answer to St Cyril's prayers


When a monk dies without having received absolution, he is revived in response to St Cyril's prayers so as to receive absolution and then expire

61 Явление Богородицы со св. Кириллом Белозерским боярину Роману во сне

Appearence of Virgin with St Cyril to the boyar Roman in his dream


The princess of Kargopol is healed of an affliction of the eyes


St Cyril converses with his disciple Christopher, whom he designates as abbot upon his death


St Cyril parts with the monks


The burial of St Cyril


St Cyril appears to an elder after his death; Healing at St Cyril's tomb
№ 2741.
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Virgin museum
Peter museum
Valenik Рейтинг@Mail.ru