Богородица и Младенец с молящимися, или Покров {5516}
Virgin and Child with devotees, or Intercession
Gift of R.J.Reynolds Tobacco Co.
Коэллин П.
Peter Koellin
Северная Каролина: музей Худ.
North Carolina: North Carolina Museum of Art
Virgin and Child sheltering supplicants under Her cloak
Sheltered beneath the folds of the Madonna's cloak, symbolic of Her protection, are members of the ecclesiastic community (to the left) and secular world (on the right).
The image reminded Catholic worshippers of the Virgin's role as an intercessor before God, always ready to plead for mercy on behalf of those in physical or spiritual distress.
Members of the religious orders to the left include a pope (identified by his tiara), a cardinal, and a bishop.
The secular community counts among its numbers an emperor and knights.
Virgin stands on a crescent moon, indicating Her role as Queen of Heaven.
This moon once shone silver, but over time the silver leaf has worn thin, darkened, and revealed the red preparatory layer beneath it.
Статуя. Резьба. Липа.
Carving on wood. Lindenwood, paint, and gold and silver leaf.
h = 1448.
№ 61.13.1.
предмет с изображением:
Virgin museum
Peter museum
Valenik Рейтинг@Mail.ru