5-частник {4026}
Five-partite icon
Мастер Авиаский
Master of Avia
The picture represents one of the most characteristic themes of Spanish Romanesque painting: the Virgin with scenes from the life of Jesus on either side of the central group.
These scenes are well known even today to those who appreciate early European painting.
This panel reveals a much more 'modern' approach than that of the Master of Seo de Urgell who executed the rigid representation of the twelve apostles in Christ and the Twelve Apostles.
The colours are brighter, the contrasts sharper, the figures more animated and the drapery less schematic; but because of the emphatic red of the cheeks, the lack of perspective and the stereotyped representation of the eyes, this picture is also a characteristic example of Romanesque painting.
Барселона: Нац. музей искусства Каталонии
Barcelona: Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya
порядок сцен:
11 Благовещение и Встреча Марии с Елизаветой
Annunciation and The meeting of Maria with Elizabeth

12 и 22 Богородица и Младенец на троне с ангелами

Virgin and Child enthroned with angels
13 Рождество

21 Волхвы

The magi
23 Сретение
Presentation of Christ in the temple
предмет с изображением:
Virgin museum
Peter museum
Valenik Рейтинг@Mail.ru