The Howard Psalter (Arundel 83 I) may have been made for John Fitton (d.1326), arms f.47r and f.55v, and was owned by Theodore of Malinton, Baron of Wemme (d.1408).
Both were owned by William Howard, Lord of Naworth who probably first bound them together: William Howard's ex libris in Arundel 83 I, f. 3r, 1591; Arundel 83 II, f. 117r, 1590. Thomas Howard, Earl of Arundel and Duke of Norfolk, 1585 - 1646 (book stamp, f. 2r). Descended in Howard family until 1831, when it was given to British Museum.
Лондон: библиотека Британская (1831 )
12 Благовещение пастухам
21 Обрезание
22 Поклонение волхвов
31 Сретение
32 Бегство в Египет
12 Свадьба в Кане
21 Воскрешение Лазаря
22 Вход в Иерусалим
31 Тайная вечеря
32 Предательство
12 Снятие со креста
21 Положение во гроб
22 Пилат и солдаты
[3051, Chicksands]
[3053 pl. 22]
[3054 no. 38 and 51]
[3055 pp. 79 - 80]
[3057 pp. 171 - 173, 181]
Sander L.F. The Psalter of Robert De Lisle in the British Library. - Oxford, 1983; repr. with up-to-date bibliography. - London, 1999.