Рождество Марии {4392}
The Birth of Maria
- автор:
- Доксарас Н.
- Nikolaos Doxaras
- место:
- Закинф
- town of Zakynthos
- перемещение:
- Phaneromene ( - )
- музей Византийский
- Byzantine Museum
- композиция:
- On the third level, St Anna is shown stretched out on a couch.
- In front of her a servant holds in her arms the partly nude infant.
- On either side of the main figure are other maid-servants, a bearded form and in the foreground a young woman sitting on a step by a basket.
- In the background are vaulted stoas and in the upper part of the scene in a cloud are the winged heads of two angels.
- оформление:
- 18 в.
- Форма сложная, крестообразная.
- Обрамление профилированное.
- предмет с изображением: