Умиление {4391}
Virgin the Eleusa
Димитров Х.
Christo Dimitrov
монастырь Карлоуковский ( - )
Karloukovo monastery
София: Нац. ист. музей
Sofia: National history museum
The beautiful face of the Virgin with the typical eyes, tiny lips and rosy complexion are stock elements of Christo Dimitrov's. The work is a perfect example of the synthesis between the classical mediaeval iconography with its stylized manner of painting and the Baroque, without losing the monumentality of the image. In the otherwise flat icon-painting, volume here is achieved through delicate gilt hatching and patches employed for additional gradation of undertones. This perfect balance between tradition and innovation projects the monumental and monolithic impact of the icon.
Notwithstanding the inscription in Greek the icon presents a traditional iconography depiction of the Virgin Hodegetria, holding in Her hands the Child.
~1815. Samokov school.
Tempera on wood.
The icon has a decorated gilt frame.
The background is blue.
The inscriptions appear in gilt Baroque medallions.
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сайт Bulgarian icons WEB Gallery
Virgin museum
Peter museum
Valenik Рейтинг@Mail.ru