Врата царские {4385}
Holy gate
The image of the Virgin, the posture and classical proportions nearly duplicate the image featured in the imperial doors of Pathmos from the Byzantine Museum in Athens. Similar is also the depiction of the saints in full height in the lower part of the imperial doors. The Pathmos imperial doors are an outstanding piece of Italy-Cretan art. The plastic decoration is exquisite, delicate and organizes space by creating a distinct structure close to the Gothic style. The style of painting resembles the imperial doors from Turnovo and Nessebur dating back to the 16th and 17th centuries.
София: Нац. ист. музей
Sofia: National history museum
Благовещение, верхняя половина
Annunciation, the upper half
4 святители в рост, нижняя половина
Saints, the bottom half
Tempera on woodcarving.
Plastic modeling with a plant ornament decorates the door. Arched frames encircle the saints' images. Along the vertical line there are plastically oiled columns and capitals, richly decorated.
The painted composition of the Annunciation and the images of saints prevails over the wood carving.
The donor's inscription in Greek indicates the year of painting.
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Virgin museum
Peter museum
Valenik Рейтинг@Mail.ru