Снятие со креста {4150}
Descent from the Cross
- история:
- It is one of Van der Weyden's earliest works.
- The work, having hung for many years in Louvain, was bought for the Escurial Palace.
- автор:
- Вейден Р. ван дер
- Rogier van der Weyden
- перемещение:
- Лувайн: Нотр-Дам дю Дехорс ( - )
- Louvain: Notre-Dame-du-Dehors
Дворец ( - )
- Escurial Palace
Мадрид: музей Прадо
- Madrid: Museo del Prado
- композиция:
- The composition represents ten virtually life-size figures in a niche-like space set against a gold background.
- оформление:
- ~1435...40.
- Триптих.
- It is probably the central panel of a triptych, the wings of which have been lost.
- предмет с изображением:
- посвящённый предмет:
- сайт Web Gallery of Art