Поклонение волхвов {4060}
Adoration of the magi
Throughout the 15th century - a century of perpetual innovation - the great creative figures of Flemish painting were surrounded by many "minor" artists.
These lesser-known painters have often been treated with condescension, merely because they happened to be overshadowed by the major creators.
But many of them are no less remarkable on that account.
Some of the finest work was also produced by anonymous hands, painters such as the Master of the Legend of St Ursula, and the Master of the Adoration of Khanenko.
In their day, these painters were widely celebrated for their achievements.
Мастер Поклонения Ханенко
Master of the Khanenko Adoration
Сант-Омер: МИИ
Saint-Omer: Musee des Beaux-Arts
Св. Каспар, левая створка
Caspar, the left wing

Поклонение св. Мельхиора, центр

Melchior, the centre

Св. Балтазар, правая створка

Baltazar, the right wing
Triptych. Oil on wood.
Обрамление резное, ажурное.
предмет с изображением:
Virgin museum
Peter museum
Valenik Рейтинг@Mail.ru