Adoration of the shepherds
Аллегория христианского рыцаря, центр, л/с
Allegory of a Christian Knight
- композиция:
- The central panel on the front, showing the Christian Knight received into Heaven, with Purgatory and Inferno below, and the three Theological virtues, is of medieval inspiration, and precisely follows a known representation of the subject.
- The Jaws of Hell are a specifically medieval motif. St Catherine, with the Wheel of her Martyrdom, appears below the figures of Christ and the Knight.
- The reference to St Catherine in both the central panels has been suggested as a possible indication of the artist's connection in Crete with the monastery of St Catherine, a dependency of that of Mount Sinai,
and the most important school of painting in the island.
- The other compositions are similarly not original, but here the artist has used engravings after Italian (mainly Venetian) compositions as his models. The repetition of traditional images was usual in Byzantine art.
Крещение, правая створка, л/с
Благовещение, слева, о/с
Гора Синай, центр, о/с
Mount Sinai
- композиция:
- The theme of Mount Sinai, on the back of the central panel, was of Cretan origin, and faithfully repeats a traditional Byzantine model.
Изгнание из рая, справа, о/с
Expulsion from the Garden of Eden
- композиция:
- The picture shows pilgrims on the way to the Monastery, and the Mountain as the Road to Heaven.