Взыскание погибших {3540}
Exaction of the perished people, or Seeking of the lost
- место:
- Интернет: ~Аристотель
- Internet: ~Aristotle
- композиция:
- A very pretty image of Virgin and Child. Painted in warm earth tones Virgin embraces Child who embraces His Mother with both arms.
- Border Saints left: Nicholas, right: Efrem Sirsky.
- оформление:
- 19 в.
- Tempera, chalk on a three layer wood panel.
- A pleasant mustard background and ochre borders.
- Old Slavonic inscription reads “The Seeker of the Lost Most Holy Mother of God”.
- Very fine condition.
- 260х300.
- № JAKXMAS94 #002.
- предмет с изображением: