Богородица и Младенец со свв. Иоанном Богословом и Петром {3210}
Virgin and Child with SS John the Evangelist and Peter
Нардо ди Чионе
Nardo di Cione
Nardo painted this small work similar to a church altarpiece for use in private devotion at home.
It may have been specifically commissioned or bought
Nardo's Virgin, despite her soft expression, appears removed from human concerns. Bright, artificial colors separate her from the real world, and the stiff saints on either side underscore her hierarchical importance.
Perhaps intensified religious sentiment following the plague of 1348 - when up to half the population of Italian cities died within a few weeks - prompted this conservatism. Or perhaps the deaths of so many artists and patrons changed the nature of commissions and workshop practice.
Вашингтон: гал. Нац.
Washington: NGA
Спас, навершие

Св. Пётр, левая створка

St Peter, the left wing Богородица и Младенец, центр
Virgin and Child, the centre Cв. Иоанн Богослов, правая створка
St John the Evangelist, the right wing
Portable triptych.
Tempera on panel.
(153 + ? + 153)х491.
№ 1939.1.261.a, b, c.
предмет с изображением:
посвящённый предмет:
Virgin museum
Peter museum
Valenik Рейтинг@Mail.ru