Иконостас св. Анны {3183}
St Anne Altarpiece
- история:
- It is Massys's first dated work.
- This triptych was commissioned by the Confraternity of St Anne for their chapel.
- автор:
- Массейс К., или Метсейс К.
- Quentin Massys
- перемещение:
- Лювен: церковь св. Петра (1509 - )
- Leuven: St Peter's church
- место:
- часовня св. Анны
- chapel of St Anne
- Брюссель: МИИ или Музей старинного искусства [1135 c. 452]
- Brussels: Musees Royaux des Beaux-Arts
- композиция:
- Благовещение Иоакиму, левая створка
- Annunciation to Joachim, the left wing
- композиция:
- An angel with large wings outspread, brings the news that St Anne is with Child to Joachim, as he kneels beside a rock, his hands raised in adoration.
- dog
- предмет с изображением:
- файл
- Св. Родня, центр
- Holy Kinship, the central panel
- композиция:
- Virgin and Child with St Anne, Mary the mother of James and Mary Salome sitting in the foreground with their children.
- Further back, there are four men standing behind the central figures, and behind them is an architectural fantasy in the Italian style, executed in trompe-l'oeil.
- The overall effect is of a portrait of a rich, dignified middle-class family,
with its severe patriarchs and its amiable and graceful women - a family such as one might meet among the newly-wealthy classes that had begun to proliferate in Antwerp,
thanks to the development of the port, which in those days had recently established itself as the first in Europe.
- предмет с изображением:
- файл
- Успение св. Анны, правая створка
- St Anne on her death bed, the right wing
- композиция:
- St Anne on her death bed, covered with a red sheet, her face pale, her mouth half open, as if she had just breathed her last.
- Mary Salome, who has collapsed with grief, wipes the tears from her cheeks.
- предмет с изображением:
- файл
- деталь
- Cвв. Анна и Иоаким, закрытые створки
- SS Anne and Joachim, the closed wings
- композиция:
- SS Anne and Joachim, the left wing
- композиция:
- The first takes place beneath the portico of a church, the double arch of which gives onto a square, at the far end of which can be seen the tower of Antwerp cathedral.
- Under the portico, the High Priest of Jerusalem is receiving an ebony casket from St Anne, who lowers her eyes.
- Behind her, Joachim holds a parchment which contains the act of donation to the temple and its ministers.
- In the distance are two figures seen from behind: these too are Anne and Joachim, distributing money to the poor.
- St Joachim, the right wing
- композиция:
- In the second scene, Joachim's face and attitude express his distress and confusion: the High Priest has refused the coins Joachim has just placed on the offering table, and is gesturing to him brusquely to leave.
- Massys may sometimes tend towards mawkishness in his treatment of these themes, but St Anne was a particularly popular legend in Flanders and Holland, and this painting brought him immediate and considerable success.
- предмет с изображением:
- файл
- оформление:
- 1507...09.
- Triptych. Oil on wood.
- (2190х3)х2245.
- предмет с изображением:
- иллюстрация [1113 c. 107, 108]