Диптих Дж. Каронделета {3160}
Diptych of Jean Carondelet
- автор:
- Мабус
- Mabuse
- место:
- Париж: Лувр
- Paris: Musee du Louvre
- композиция:
- Донатор, левая створка
- Jean Carondelet, the left wing
- композиция:
- There is a bust portrait of the donor, Jean Carondelet, with his hands in a praying gesture.
- предмет с изображением:
- файл
- www.kfki.hu/~arthp/art/m/mabuse/carondel.jpg
- 526*842
- True Color
- 77 Kb
Богородица и Младенец, правая створка
- Virgin and Child, the right wing
- композиция:
- There is the Virgin holding the Child with Her left hand under His bottom and Her right hand in the pseudo-zygodactylous gesture on His right breast, even with His nipple between Her second and third fingers.
- Both donor and Virgin gaze slightly downward, off into space, vaguely towards each others' direction, while Jesus looks straight at the donor.
- предмет с изображением:
- иллюстрация
[168 c. 303]
- предмет с изображением:
- файл
- caronde - малый
- www.kfki.hu/~arthp/art/m/mabuse/caronde.jpg
- 1049*730
- True Color
- 149 Kb
- оформление:
- 1517.
- Wood.
- (270 + 270)х430.
- Around the donor's frame are the words "Representacion De Messire Iehan Carondelet Havlt Doyen De Besancon En Son Eage De 48A Fait Lan 1517".
- Around Virgin and Child the frame says "Mediatrix Nostra Que Es Post Deum Spes Sola Tuo Filio Me Representa Iohannes Meldobie Pingebat."