Иконостас грабовский {3145}
Grabow Altarpiece
"The high altar of St Peter in Hamburg was made in 1383. The artist was named Bertram of Mynden." So states an entry in the Hamburg Chronicles.
Master Bertram used the same pictorial means as Konrad von Soest.
Master Bertram knew exactly how to employ the relatively limited space of the individual altar panels in order to populate the biblical story with a maximum of incident.
He was less concerned with a realistic portrayal of the objects than with the manner of their presentation.
This attention to realistic detail, as well as the thematic scope of the altarpiece, which embraces the whole of the biblical spectrum, from good to evil and obedience to violence, point to a private patron, identified as Wilhelm Horborch, a member of an old patrician family in Hamburg.
It was presumably he who was responsible for the iconographic program.
His brother, Bertram Horborch, was mayor of the city from 1366 to 1396 and maintained close relations with Emperor Charles IV in Prague and the pope in Avignon. The work may have been commissioned by both brothers.
The connection with Bohemia is significant. Master Bertram may have spent his apprenticeship with a Bohemian master in Prague. This would certainly explain the Bohemian coloring of his work.
The commission for the Hamburg altarpiece may well have reached him when he was still working in Prague.
Бертрам Минденский
Bertram of Mynden
левая крайняя
the left outer wing

левая средняя

the left inner wing

правая средняя

the right inner wing

правая крайняя

the right outer wing
порядок сцен:
11 Создание
Creation of the

12 Создание Земли

Creation of the

13 Создание светил на небе

Creation of the

14 Создание флоры

Creation of the

15 Создание фауны

Creation of the Animals 16 Сотворение человека
Creation of the man

17 Сотворение Евы

Creation of Eva

18 Благословение Господне

19 Искушение


1-10 Разоблачение


1-11 Изгнание из рая

Expulsion from the Garden of Eden

1-12 В поте лица своего

21 Жертвоприношение Авеля и Каина

22 Убийство Каином Авеля

23 Ной готовит ковчег

24 Жертвоприношение Авраама



27 Благовещение


28 Рождество

Nativity 29 Поклонение волхвов
Adoration of the magi

2-10 Обрезание

Circumcision of Christ

2-11 Избиение младенцев

Slaughter of the Innocents

2-12 Отдых на пути в Египет

Rest on the flight to Egypt
Paint on wood.
предмет с изображением:
Virgin museum
Peter museum
Valenik Рейтинг@Mail.ru