Посещение Елизаветы Марией {2002}
Гирландайо Д.
Domenico Ghirlandaio

This work is also the product of collaborators, as the difference in the rendition of the two female figures reveals. Sebastiano Mainardi may have been responsible for the slightly harder and more static St Elisabeth, while the Virgin, all veils and chiaroscuro, is by Ghirlandaio.

Париж: Лувр (1812 )
Paris: Louvre
Композиция симметрична. Центром являются фигуры Марии и Елизаветы. Их лица точны и правдивы в своих характеристиках.
Сочному колориту первого плана как бы противопоставлен виднеющийся в арке над цетральными фигурами почти графический городской пейзаж.

Мария Иакова, слева


Мария с Елизаветой

Maria with Elizabeth

Марии Саломея, справа


The meeting takes place in a broad landscape of rarefied atmosphere, with a series of large buildings bathed in sunlight. It is an affectionate, yet measured, encounter.

The gentle submissiveness of Elisabeth is emphasized, as is the humble, modest attention of Maria with Her face sweet and full of trepidation. The light veil, with its soft folds of fine, gossamer material, is full of delicate highlights. A large clasp of pearls and gold closes the cloak over Her breast, a jewel of hard glassy material that contrasts somewhat with the softness of the colours and contours which give a not easily achieved mellowness to the whole, and which is reminiscent of the Flemish style.
Tempera on wood.
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