Милосердие, или Мадонна де Мисерикорде {2886}
Virgin of Mercy, or Madone de Misericorde
- автор:
- Шаронтон Э.
- Enguerrand Charonton
- место:
- Шантили: музей Конде
- Chantilly: musee Conde
- композиция:
- Of the two known authentic works of Charonton The Virgin of Mercy (Madone de Misericorde) was commissioned by the royal physician Jean Cadard.
- It is a study for the great composition of the Coronation of the Virgin.
- St John the Baptist and the kneeling donor, and St John the Evangelist and the donor's wife, occupy the left and right hand sides of the composition.
- In the centre the Madonna, in a gold brocade robe, extends the protection of Her blue mantle to the churchmen and laymen sheltering beneath it.
- The standing figures divide the composition into three vertical areas - the spaces between them being filled by the kneeling figures.
- The different sizes of the figures produce a well-balanced rhythm. The gentle charm of the faces and the serene mood of the whole give this picture a particular attraction.
- оформление:
- 1452.
- Transferred from wood to canvas.
- 1870х660.
- When the painting was transferred from wood to canvas the golden background was somewhat damaged.
- предмет с изображением:
- файл
- v_mercy
- http://www.kfki.hu/~arthp/art/c/charonto/v_mercy.jpg