Поклонение волхвов {2780}
Adoration of the magi
- автор:
- Бартоло ди Фреди
- Bartolo di Fredi
- место:
- Сиена: пинакотека Нац.
- Siena: Pinacoteca Nazionale
- композиция:
- Adoration of the magi is characterized by a lively dynamism like in Lorenzetti's paintings. The only tranquil detail is Mary sitting with the Child on the right side. The three kings arrive with a big accompaniment from the left.
- The big striped hats in the hands of the members of the accompaniment is well known from the St Martin fresco cycle of Simone Martini in Assisi.
- The background scene is a reference to the long journey of the kings between cities and mountains. The walled city is Siena with the black and white striped cathedral and the bell-tower.
- No organic connection can be observed between the foreground and background.
- оформление:
- ~1385.
- Tempera on wood.
- 1580х1950.
- предмет с изображением:
- файл
- aug.edu
- посвящённый предмет: