Свадьба в Кане {2645}
The marriage feast in Cana
- автор:
- Джусто
- Giusto de' Menabuoi
- история:
- Джусто ~(1320 - 1391)
- Giusto de' Menabuoi, Italian painter, Florentine school
- He was a follower of Giotto pupils, then Orcagna, and he was influenced by Tommaso da Modena as well.
- место:
- Падуя: собор
- Padua: cathedral
- место:
- баптистерий
- baptistry
- оформление:
- 1376...78.
- Фреска.
- Fresco.
- At the centre of the decoration a Maiestas Domini is represented, the side walls contain scenes from the Old and New Testament.
The Marriage at Cana is one these scenes.
- предмет с изображением: