Богородица и Младенец {2584}
Virgin and Child
Дуччо ди Буонинсенья, Мастер Бадиа в Исола
Duccio di Buoninsegna, Master of the Badia at Isola
With regard to this anonymous master it is worth recording that in all probability he was at the beginning in such close relations with Duccio as to lend credibility to the opinion that Duccio's hand can be detected in some of his early works.
As an example can be cited this very beautiful Madonna whose face is really so close to Duccio's Crevole Madonna that it could easily be attributed to him and dated to that period.
Сиена: Нац. пинакотека
Siena: Pinacoteca Nazionale
Доска, темпера.
Tempera on wood.
предмет с изображением:
Virgin museum
Peter museum
Valenik Рейтинг@Mail.ru