Мадонна евхаристии {2482} Madonna of the Eucharist
Боттичелли С.
Alessandro Botticelli
Бостон (США): Музей Изабеллы Стеварт Гарднер
Boston (MA, USA): Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum
Богородица и Младенец с ангелом
Virgin and Child with angel
Ангел подаёт Богородица и Младенцу виноград с колосками.
This painting shows the synthesis of trends that formed the style of Botticelli's painting.
The composition of the painting resembles Lippi's art, but the figures are more delicately blended into the painting and their expressions and poses are more complicated.
The figure of the Child reaches from His Mother's lap to bless the bunch of grapes and stalks of grain held out to Him by the angel, symbolizing the sacrament of the Eucharist
(the bread and wine that become the body and blood of Christ), in a more explicit manner than the traditional one of the pomegranate used by the Florentine painters of the early 15th century.
From Lippi, and through him from the iconography of Verocchio, comes the composition of the landscape framed in the tall, open piece of furniture that forms the background of the scene.