Поклонение волхвов, или Богоявление {2474} Adoration of the magi, or Epiphany
Formal characteristics of this masterpiece suggest that it was intended to be a worship object.
It was later moved to the Town Hall escaping thus from the iconoclastic revolt.
Subsequently it belonged to Jean Casembroot, a supporter of William of Orange, who was sentenced by a court-martial and whose properties were confiscated in Brussels.
Philip II sent this work to El Escorial and gave it a place of honour in his private oratory.
Босх Х.
Hieronymus Bosch
собор (~1497 - )
Hertogenbosch cathedral
придел ~Собора БР
chapel of the Guild of Our Lady
ратуша ( - )
Town Hall
Касембрут Дж. ( - )
Jean Casembroot
Эль Эскориал ( - )
El Escorial
Мадрид: музей Прадо
Madrid: Museo del Prado
Св. Пётр с донатором, левая створка
St Peter with the donor, the right wing
The right wing portrays the donor, with his coat of arms, which reads Een voer al (one for all).
Most of critics have identified the donor as member of Bronkhorst family.
Behind him, St Peter – his protector - is represented, recognizable by his attribute.
Painting follows the rules established for the subject.
Действие разворачивается перед ветхой хижиной на фоне мирного сельского пейзажа, переходящего на горизонте в странные очертания городской архитектуры.
К Богородица благоговейно подступают волхвы со своими дарами.
Торжественность церемонии нарушается присутствием недобрых элементов: противостоящие друг другу вооруженные отряды в отдалении, тупое безразличие или злорадное любопытство пастухов и особенно загадочная, зловещая мужская фигура на пороге хлева в венке из сухих веток и с язвой на ноге, заключенной в прозрачный цилиндр (Ирод, Антихрист, иудейский Мессия, олицетворение ереси?).
Босх предполагал, что зло вездесуще и вмешивается даже в самые священные события.
The kings offer their gifts to the Child sitting in his mother’s lap: gold, incense and myrrh, according to St Matthew’s Gospel.
All the figures are in the foreground allowing to appreciating the sumptuousness of the dresses – the large collar of one of the magi’s cape is embroidered with The visit of the Queen of Sheba to Solomon - and the magnificent goldsmith work depicting The Sacrifice of Isaac.
In the shack there are disturbing figures, like the half-naked man in the doorway with a sore at his leg, who has been interpreted by some as Jewish symbolism or as representing the Antichrist.
The landscape which fills the background of the three panels unifies the whole providing a panoramic view linked by the high horizon line.
Different architectures, a lake with a fortified island and different scenes scattered on the meadows, crowd the varied landscape.