Мощевик {2330}
It was brought into the West by the knight Heinrich von Uelmen after the sack of 1204.
композиция (по порядку):
1 Св. Христофор
St Chrysostom

2 Св. Феодор

St Theodor

3 Св. Евстафий

St Eustathius

4 Св. Василий

St Basil

5 Св. Василий

St Basil
6 Св. Георгий
St George
7 Св. Николай
St Nicholas

8 Св. Георгий

St George

9 Свв. Иоанн Богослов и Яков

SS Jonh the Evangelist and James

10 Свв. Пётр и Павел

SS Peter and Paul

11 Свв. Андрей и Марк

SS Andrew and Mark

12 Архангел Гавриил и св. Иоанн Предтеча

Gabriel and St John the Baptist

13 Спас на троне

Christ entroned
14 Богородица и архангел Михаил
Virgin and Michael
15 Свв. Фома и Варфоломей
SS Thomas and Bartholomew

16 Свв. Матфей и Лука

SS Matthew and Luke

17 Свв. Филипп и Симон

SS Philip and Simon
Эмаль. Ювелирная отделка.
The upper side of the sliding lid has in the middle 9 rectangular enamelled plates (9 - 17).
Round the large rectangle runs a border of inlaid garnets, round this a narrow band of enamelled ornament consisting of blue lozenges with stepped edges on a white ground; round this in its turn is a broader band of filigree and cabochon gems, interrupted at opposite points by eight small square plaues, six containing enamelled busts of the saints.
предмет с изображением:
иллюстрация {526 Fig. 311}
Virgin museum
Peter museum
Valenik Рейтинг@Mail.ru