Богоматерь с диадемой, или Богоматерь с вуалью {2205}
Madonna of the diadem, or Madonna with the veil
- история:
- It is said that this painting, divided in two halves, at one time covered two casks at Pescia where it was found by an amateur who had it repaired by so skillful an artist that no trace of the joining can be seen.
- автор:
- Рафаэль
- Raphael
- перемещение:
- Париж: Лувр
- Paris: Museum of the Louvre
- композиция:
- Богородица и Младенец с юным Иоанном Крестителем
- Virgin and Child with young John the Baptist
- композиция:
- Virgin kneeling on the ground lifts the veil from the face of the slumbering Child. She wants St John to see Jesus.
- St John is kneeling, his hands folded in prayer and his arms clasped around the reed cross.
- Virgin wears a blue diadem to which a flowing yellow veil and a muslin cloth, which clings to Her shoulders and arms, are attached.
- The skyline in the back is Roman. It shows the Pantheon lying in the nook of the Tiber Valley. The vista is partially blocked out by an ensemble of ruins.
- оформление:
- Oil on panel.
- предмет с изображением: