Мадонна Купера, или Мадонна Паншангера {2197}
The Niccolini-Cowper Madonna
- происхождение названия:
- Lord Cowper
- автор:
- Рафаэль
- Raphael
- место:
- Вашингтон: Нац. гал.
- Washington: NGA
- композиция:
- Богородица и Младенец
- Virgin and Child
- композиция:
- Угол подушки напоминает голову ягнёнка.
- Child is seated on a pillow in the Virgin's lap, His left hand pushed into Her bodice, Hers raised and near His. Art historians see in this painting a reaction against overwrought tenderness and Umbrian piety.
- Child's posture and expression, in particular, is an "unconditional appeal to the grace of nature unadorned." For Morelli the Madonna Cowper is "perhaps the most lovely of all of Raphael's Madonnas."
- оформление:
- 1508.
- Oil on wood.
- предмет с изображением: