Распятие с предстоящими {2092}
Crucifixion with attendants
Moscow: Andrei Rublev Museum of ancient culture and art
Слева от креста стоит БР, справа - склонившийся Иоанн Богослов.
Над крестом даны поясные изображения двух ангелов.
The color scheme is limited, with the emphasis placed on brown, beige, and and ochre-gold. Only the loincloth of Christ is rendered in an eye-catching pastel green.
The cross stands on the top of a cave containing the skull of Adam (This is a symbolic allusion to the belief that Christ is the second Adam and to the legend that the Golgotha is a burial place of the first Adam).
The overall compositional simplicity and excellence of the icon, as well as the deeply human expression of grief on Mary's face and of philosophical contemplation on John's, make this icon a masterpiece.
~1385. Московская школа.
Moscow School.
№ КП 2344.
Вверху надпись красным: "РАСПЯТЬИЄ ГНЄ".
предмет с изображением:
посвящённый предмет:
Virgin museum
Peter museum
Valenik Рейтинг@Mail.ru