Неопалимая Купина {1009}
Burning Bush
- место:
- Ярославль: музей-заповедник историко-архитектурный
- Yaroslavl: History and architecture museum
- композиция:
- In the middle part of crimson satin there is an image of the Virgin with a Child in the circle.
- Around it there are symbols of evangelists, two cherubim and a seraph.
- In a segment of sky there is a half-length image of Sabaoth and under Him - Holy Spirit as a dove.
- Поля украшены надписью:
- "О всепетая Мати рождьшая всех святых
- ... слово ннешне приешми приношение
- изми муки тебе вопиющих Аллилуия
- от всия вия избави напасти всех и будущия".
- оформление:
- 17 в. Россия.
- Покров.
- Covering veil.
- Вышивка.
- Embroidery.
- Faces are embroidered with silk thread, the other parts - with gilded and silver thread.
- Images and inscriptions are decorated with pearls.
- On the borders of green satin there is a liturgical inscription embroidered with silver thread on an elevation.
- At the corners - seraphs and cherubim framed with pearls.
- The middle part is edged with a narrow gold braid, and the borders - with a thin woven gilded cord.
- Lining - yellow taffeta.
- предмет с изображением:
- посвящённый предмет: