Св. Родня {1864}
Holy Kinship
The present picture is the product of two widely separated stages of Jordaens' career.
The figures of the Virgin and Child, St Joseph, and St Anne seated in the wicker chair, and probably a version of the infant St John the Baptist were painted in the early 1620s.
In the 1650s Jordaens enlarged the panel at the left, top, and bottom, repainting the figure of St John and adding his parents, SS Elizabeth and Zacharias, and an angel at the left.
A variant of the painting in Munich attests to the intimate, domestic character of this first composition painted with the strong Caravaggesque lighting of Jordaens' early works.
The globe on which the Christ Child stands, the cartouche and inscription from St Paul's Epistle to the Romans, ("If the root be holy, so are the brare the branches") were also added at this time.
In its final state the painting has a more somber balance and a didactic character.
The Christ Child now tramples on the serpent of sin.
The painting is in excellent condition in spite of the complexity of Jordaens' additions.

Закупка, 1871.

Иорданс Я.
Jacob Jordaens
Нью-Йорк: Метрополитен (1871 )
New York: MMA
Св. Семейство со св. Анной, юным Крестителем, его родителями и ангелом
The Holy Family with St Anna, young Johne the Baptist, his parents and angel
~1622, расширена и доработана ~1655.
Доска, масло.
Oil on wood.
№ 71.11 (414/1673).
предмет с изображением:
Virgin museum
Peter museum
Valenik Рейтинг@Mail.ru