Св. Родня со св. Франциском {1862}
Holy Kinship with St Francis
The subject is treated with a familial warmth that is typical of the artist's mature religious scenes.
The painting was considerably modified by Rubens himself: Virgin was originally seated nearly in profile, St Joseph leaned over the back of the chair, and the lower half of St Francis was more central (his attribute, the lamb, was added during the revision).
Versions of the composition are at Windsor and elsewhere.
The picture was probably executed with the help of assistants.
Рубенс П.П.
Peter Paul Rubens
Нью-Йорк: Метрополитен
New York: MMA
Св. Семейство со свв. Анной, юным Иоанном Крестителем и Франциском
Holy Family with SS Anne, the Infant John the Baptist, and Francis
№ 402/1673.
предмет с изображением:
Virgin museum
Peter museum
Valenik Рейтинг@Mail.ru