Богоматерь с гарпиями{1524}
Madonna of the Harpies
происхождение названия:
Пьедестал украшен фигурками чудовищ, так называемых гарпий.
It was named so because of the winged mythological creatures sculpted on the pedestal which supports the Virgin and Child.
Perhaps the most famous work of Andrea del Sarto is this altarpiece painted for the nuns of San Francesco dei Macci.
According to the contract signed on May 14, 1515 the picture was to depict the Virgin and Child crowned by two angels and flanked by SS John the Evangelist and Bonaventure, and to be delivered within a year.
But in fact the work is dated 1517.
Андреа дель Сарто
Andrea del Sarto
монастырь св. Франциска (1517 - )
San Francesco dei Macci

Флоренция: гал. Уффици

Florence: Galleria degli Uffizi
Богородица и Младенец с ангелами и свв. Франциском и Иоанном Богословом
Virgin and Child with angels and SS Francis and John the Evangelist
Oil on wood.
предмет с изображением:
Virgin museum
Peter museum
Valenik Рейтинг@Mail.ru