Положение во гроб, или Пала Бальони {1513} Entombment
Заказано Аталантой Бальони для семейной капеллы в перуджийской церкви Сан Франческо аль Прато.
Аталанте хотелось, чтобы алтарный образ напоминал о её боли от потери сына Грифонетто, погибшего в июле 1500 в ходе борьбы за власть в Перудже.
Было важно показать трагедию БР.
Поначалу Рафаэль задумал композицию, соответствовавшую скорее сюжету Оплакивание Христа с безжизненно лежащим на земле телом Христа и головой, покоящейся на коленях Марии.
По желанию Аталанты сюжет был изменён.
This panel had been ordered by donna Atalanta Baglioni in memory of her son, victim of local feuds.
The painting was purchased by Pope Paul V for the Borghese Collection, whereas the tympan which goes with the painting is still in Perugia.
Бог Отец благословляет двумя руками.
The tympan represents God the Father with uplifted hands.
Перуджа: храм св. Фернандино
Perugia: church of San Fernandino
Перуджа: храм св. Фернандино (1507 - 1565)
Perugia: church of San Fernandino
Рим: гал. Боргезе (1565 )
Rome: Museo Galleria Borghese (the Borghese Collection, Villa Borghese, since 1894)
Молодой человек в центре стал связующим звеном и ключевой фигурой всей композиции, отклонившейся в ту же сторону, что и падающее тело БР.
Левая мужская фигура родилась из воспоминаний о скульптурной группе Лаокоон, в числе судей конкурса на лучший восковой слепок с которого был и Рафаэль.
"In this most divine picture there is a dead Christ, whom they are bearing to the sepulchre, the body painted with so much care and freshness that it appears to have been only just completed.
When occupied with the composition of this work, Raphael had imagined to himself all the grief and pain with which the nearest and most affectionate relatives see borne to the tomb the corpse of one who has been most dear to them,
and on whom has, in truth, depended all the honour and welfare of the entire family. Our Lady is seen to be sinking insensible, and the heads of all the weeping figures are exceedingly graceful; that of San Giovanni most particularly;
his hands are clasped together, and he bends his head with an expression which cannot but move the hardest heart to compassion.
Truly may we say that whoever shall consider the diligence and love, the art and grace exhibited in this work, has good reason to feel astonishment, and it does indeed awaken admiration in all who behold it, not only for the expression of the heads,
but for the beauty of the draperies, and in short for the perfection of excellence which it displays in all its parts."