The sarcophagus received its name from the Pignatta family, by which it was used.
The word PIGNATORVM is engraved in large letters on the barrel-shaped lid, wich bears a cross in relief.
Равенна: церковь св. Франциска
Ravenna: church of St Francesco
Благовещение, на правом торце
Annunciation, on the right end, between fluted pilasters
На левой половине сидит Мария.
Руки с веретеном подняты над корзиной с пряжей.
Maria seated and holding the spindele with the wood above the basket.
Архангел стоит на правой половине рельефа.
предмет с изображением:
иллюстрация [526 Fig. 66]
Встреча Марии с Елизаветой
The meeting of Maria with Elizabeth, on the left end
Maria and Elizabeth between two cypresses
предмет с изображением:
иллюстрация [526 Fig. 79]
Христос на троне со свв. Петром и Павлом
Christ enthroned with SS Peter and Paul, on the front
Christ holds a book in His left hand and raises His right to the level of His head.
A vigorously treated figure recalling that of the sarcophagus in Sta Maria in Porto, the Christ of the ivory pyxis at Berlin which was probably made in the Christian East.
Christ's feet rest upon a lion and dragon.
To right and left stand SS Peter and Paul, beyond whom are two palm-trees.
предмет с изображением:
иллюстрация [526 Fig. 78]
Two deer drink from a large amphora filled with water, on the back