Константинополь (450 - 1132)
Вышгород близ Киева: монастырь Богородицкий (1132 - 1158)
Владимир (1158 -1395), (~1395 - 1480)
ГТГ (1930 - 99)
The composition is known as the Virgin Eleousa, or Virgin of Tenderness: The Virgin holds the Child in Her right arm and points at Him with Her left hand, while the Child puts His left arm around the Virgin's neck and presses His cheek against Hers. . . Although the gestures indicate a close relationship, the Virgin's face does not so much express maternal affection as it does - if any term of human emotion can be applied - slight melancholy, as if She were foreseeing the Passion of Her Son, prefiguring in this respect a later, related icon type in which the implements of Christ's Passion were added. The almond-shaped eyes, the narrow, elegantly drawn nose, the dark olive green shadows in the face--all these features have a dematerializing effect, stressing the Divine" (Weitzmann 1978, 80). [S.H. and A.B.]
В большом, неподвижном, створчатом, вызолоченном серебряном киоте размером 660х1000.
Седов Г. {4919}
триптих {4305}
Седов Г. {4919}
ГРМ (1919 )
Новоструев К. Монограмма всероссийского митрополита Фотия на окладе Владимирской чудотворной иконы пресвятые Богородицы в московском Успенском соборе // "Сборник на 1866 год, изданный Обществом древнерусского искусства при Московском публичном музее". М., 1866, с. 177 - 181.
Успенский А.И. Владимирская икона богоматери в Московском Успенском соборе. - М., 1902.
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