Богоматерь канцлера Ролина {1107}
Virgin of Chancellor Rolin
история: Николас Ролен был приближённым Филиппа Доброго.
The donator of this painting is Nicolas Rolin, Chancellor of Burgundy and Brabant. He established the Hotel-Dieu hospital at Beaune where Rogier van der Weyden executed the famous Last Judgment.
Nicolas Rolin was a man with a forceful personality. Despite his humble background, he was highly intelligent and eventually rose to hold the highest offices of State.
For over forty years he was Philip the Good's right-hand man, and one of the principal architects of the monarch's success. Van Eyck painted him when he was already in his sixties.
His face, though marked by the heavy responsibilities he has had to bear, still fascinates the viewer with the sense of energy and will-power which it projects.
Rolin is wearing a gold brocade jacket trimmed with mink. He kneels at prayer on the left of the composition. His gaze is pensive, looking as though he has just raised his eyes from his book of hours.
Эйк Я. ван
Jan van Eyck
Париж: Лувр (1800 )
Paris: Musee du Louvre
Богородица и Младенец с ангелом и донатором
Virgin and Child with angel and donator
Доска, темпера, масло.
Oil on wood.
предмет с изображением:
Virgin museum
Peter museum
Valenik Рейтинг@Mail.ru