Иконостас св. Якуба {1085}
Altarpiece of St James
Altarpiece of St James is the largest and most valuable creation of the workshop, it can be compared with the best European winged altars.
The three figures in the central part of the altarpiece are the work of Master Paul, the other parts of the altarpiece were probably executed by assistants.
Мастер Павел из Лося, мастерская
workshop of Master Paul of Locse

Шонгауэр М.

Martin Schongauer
Левоче: собор св. Якова
Levoca (earlier Locse): cathedral of St James
Doctors of Church and apostles, in the upper part of the altarpiece Сцены из жития апостолов
Scenes from the life of the apostles, on the open altarwings Богородица и Младенец с ангелами и святыми
Virgin and Child with angels and saints Passion of Christ, on the closed altarwings Тайная вечеря
Last supper, the predella
Дерево. Резьба.
Carving on wood.
The paintings were executed after the engravings by Martin Schongauer.
h = 18620.
предмет с изображением:
Virgin museum
Peter museum
Valenik Рейтинг@Mail.ru