Веронезе (Паоло Калиари) (1528 - 88)
Веронезе грешил против канонов, за что ему пришлось предстать пред судом инквизиции. Он остался верен себе. Церкви и монастыри буквально заваливали его заказами.
Veronese (Paolo Caliari), called because of his birth and training in the city of Verona, belongs more properly to the material splendor of Venice, his adopted city.
He was introduced into the Venice scene at an early age, and there started working as interior decorator (the Consiglio dei Dieci Room in the Ducal Palace, the church of St Sebastian and the Sansovino Library). Having moved to Rome in about 1560, and come into contact with the Classical and Mannerist styles, he developed his own personal style of painting which he used to paint the magnificent scenic frescos at the Barbaro Villa in Maser (1561). The imposing plastic quality of his works, combined with the curvaceous figures, all wrapped in an intense warm light can be seen most clearly in "Supper at Emmaus" (1560) and "The marriage in Cana" {4828} at the Louvre; in "Supper at the house of Simon" at the Sabauda gallery, Turin; and in the "Supper at the house of Levi" (1563) at the Accademia in Venice. He used the evangelical theme to bring into his pictures a large number of characters dressed in 16th century costume, including courtiers, servants and animals too, all inside classically styled buildings. His "Annunciation" (veronese.jpg) at the Uffizi, was painted in ~1556. In it the Virgin and the angel are separated by two rows of Ionic columns, while above can be seen the heads of some graceful angels, in the style of Correggio.
Also at the Uffizi is the noteworthy "Holy Family with SS Barbara and Giovannino" (barbara.jpg), painted at a later stage, with softer pastel colours which caress the faces and the curvaceous figures of the characters.
The "Martyrdom of St Justine" and "Venus and Mercury present their son Anteros to Jupiter" can also be seen here.
Veronese's enormous number of works include some remarkable portraits, for example "Virgin and Child enthroned with saints and Cuccina family" {1507}, as well as some noteworthy paintings on mythological subjects, like the four "Allegorie of love"(1580) at London's NGA, and on historic subjects, such as "The family of Darius in before Alexander" (1565...67) at the NGA and the "Battle of Lepanto" (1571) at the Accademia in Venice.
Veronese's last works included the decoration of the Collegio Room (1575...77) and the Maggior Consiglio Room (1583) in the Ducal Palace in Venice.
Благовещение {5963}

Богородица и Младенец на троне со святыми и семейством Куччина {1507}

Virgin and Child enthroned with saints and Cuccina family

Богородица и Младенец со свв. Елизаветой, юным Иоанном Крестителем и Екатериной {3675}

Virgin and Child with SS Elizabeth, young John the Baptist and Catherine

Несение креста {2171}

Christ carrying the cross

Оплакивание {2229}

Lamentation over Christ

Поклонение волхвов

Adoration of the magi Свадьба в Кане
The marriage feast in Cana Св. беседа {3675}
Sacred сonversation
Virgin museum
Peter museum
Valenik Рейтинг@Mail.ru