Сано ди Пьетро
Sano di Pietro
Сано ди Пьетро (1406 - 81)
Sano di Pietro (Ansano di Pietro di Mencio), Italian, Sienese painter.
He produced a large number of private devotional altarpieces similar to {1654}, where the traditional format of the central panel contrasts with the more naturalistically conceived wings.
Богородица и Младенец
Virgin and Child Богородица и Младенец с ангелами {5550}
Virgin and Child with angels

Богородица и Младенец с ангелами и свв. Агнией и Екатериной Александрийской

Virgin and Child with angels and SS Agnes and Catherine of Alexandria Богородица с ангелами {4752}
Virgin with angels

Поклонение волхвов {1656}

Adoration of the magi

Распятие с предстоящими {1126}

Crucifixion with attendants

Рождество Марии {2232}

The Birth of the Virgin
Virgin museum
Peter museum
Valenik Рейтинг@Mail.ru