Virgin and Child with angels and St Hyacinth
Богородица и Младенец с двумя святыми {6263}
Virgin and Child with two saints
Богородица со святым
Virgin with saint
- вид иконы:
- 3-частник {6264}
- three-partite icon
Лука, пишущий икону Богоматерь {6262}
St Luke painting the icon of the Virgin
Образование Марии {6260}
Education of Maria
Рождество Марии
Birth of Maria
Христос между Богородицей и Иосифом {6261}
Jesus between the Virgin and St Joseph offering His passion to God
Явление Богородицы св. Гиацинту {2651}
The appearance of the Virgin to St Hyacinth