Россо Фьорентино
Rosso Fiorentino
Россо Фиорентино (1495 - 1540)
Giovanni Battista di Jacopo di Guasparre, known as Rosso Fiorentino, was, together with Pontormo, one of the most noteworthy exponents of the Tuscan Mannerist style.
He trained at the school of Andrea del Sarto, but soon (already in the "Assumption" {4827}) showed a definite personal style independent of his master's. His figures appear to be positioned on different levels according to some sort of abstract geometric quality. The colour red ("rosso") prevails, sometimes to the point of agression, as in the "Virgin and Child with saints" {1950}. In this work the poses are graceful, but the character on the right appears skeletal, while at their feet two sweet angels are absorbed in reading (the "Angel with mandolin" in the Tribune is also very graceful, the angel's dreamy face resting on the instrument).
His masterpiece is Deposition {5083}.
Rosso Fiorentino also painted at the court of Francis I of France, and he worked with Primaticcio at the Palace of Fontainebleau.
His last work seems to have been the "Pietа" now at the Louvre.
Богоматерь под сенью {5086}
Madonna with the baldachino

Богородица и Младенец с ангелами и святыми {1950}

Virgin and Child with angels and saints

~Вознесение Богородицы {4827}


Мадонна дель Балдахино {5086}

Madonna del Baldacchino

Обручение Марии {1958}

Marriage of Maria

Оплакивание {1956}

Lamentation over Christ

Снятие со креста

К его богородичным работам относятся также:
Богородица и Младенец с ангелами
Virgin museum
Peter museum
Valenik Рейтинг@Mail.ru