Романо Дж.
Guilio Romano
Джулио Романо (~1499 - 1546), придворный живописец в Мантуе.
Guilio Romano (Guilio Pippi), Italian painter, Roman school
Giulio Romano was the chief pupil of the Italian painter Raphael, whom he assisted in many of the latter's finest works.
He inherited a portion of Raphael's wealth, including his works of art, and succeeded him as head of the Roman school.
Romano worked with Raphael, frescoing the Eliodoro Room (1511 - 14).
He worked mainly on the "Borgo Fire" fresco (1514...17), a work typical of the Mannerist style, and in the Costantino Room (which he finished in 1524 after the death of the Master).
He designed a painted frieze in the Renaissance style made by Pierino del Vaga in church of Santa Maria in Domnica in Rome.
Богоматерь с тазом {3622}
Madonna with the basin

Коронование Богородицы {4414}

Coronation of the Virgin

Мадонна Монтелуче {4414}

Monteluce Madonna

Св. Родня {3622}

Holy Kinship

Св. Семейство со св. Елизаветой и юным Иоанном {3622}

The Holy Family with St Elisabeth and young John the Baptist
К его богородичным работам относится также:
Богородица и Младенец
Virgin and Child.
Virgin museum
Peter museum
Valenik Рейтинг@Mail.ru