Francisco Parmigianino
Франческо Пармиджанино (Маццола) (1503 - 40), итальянский живописец.
Francisco Parmigianino (Girolamo Francisco Maria Mazzuoli), known as Parmigianino after the town where he was born.
Характерны удлинённые пропорции фигур, неожиданные ракурсы, оптические эффекты.
Был превосходным рисовальщиком, многие его рисунки переводились в гравюры и распространялись по Европе.
He was greatly influenced by Correggio, also from Parma, but he later developed his own personal, slightly Mannerist way of painting, with hints of Raphael and Michelangelo.
His first work was on the frescos in the church of St John the Evangelist in Parma (1521 - 24) and in the Rocca Sanvitale in Fontanellato (1523) with the "Myth of Diana and Atteone".
He moved to Rome in about 1524, where he developed his style, elongating his figures in a way that was reminiscent of the German School, and especially of Durer, and giving them smooth gestures.
He also began to use opaque pastel shades that had a particularly evocative effect.
He painted his famous "Self-portrait in the mirror" in that year; it is now at the Museum of Historic Art in Vienna.
Then came the "Virgin and Child with saints" (1527...30) at the Pinacoteca Nazionale in Bologna, the "Virgin of St Zacharius", with its soft and hazy shades in a setting of ruins and the "Vision of St Jerome" (1527) at the NGA in London.
Parmigianino later went to Bologna, where he became an important example and model for the 17th century Emilian School.
He then painted the "Virgin of the rose" {2044}, the magnificent "Virgin of the long neck", and "Anthea" at the Capodimonte gallery in Naples, a painting of a sweet young girl in a rich fashionable dress.
Богоматерь с длинной шеей {5804}
Virgin of the long neck

Богородица и Младенец в сиянии над свв. Стефаном, Иоанном Крестителем и донатором {2043}

Virgin and Child with aureole above SS Stephen, John the Baptist and donor

Богородица и Младенец с розой

Virgin and Child with rose Богородица и Младенец со святыми
Virgin and Child with saints Захарьевская {5802}
Virgin of St Zachary

Обручение св. Екатерины {5801}

The mystic marriage of St Catherine

Рождество Марии {6280}

Birth of Maria

St Roch

Явление Богородицы св. Иерониму {5803}
Appearance of the Virgin to St Jerome
К его богородичным произведениям относится также:
Virgin and Child
Virgin museum
Peter museum
Valenik Рейтинг@Mail.ru