Мантенья А.
Andrea Mantegna
Андреа Мантенья (1431 - 1506), итальянский живописец.
This painter and engraver from Padua, as a young man trained with Francesco Squarcione (painter and collector of marble statues and drawings), with whom he learnt how to fresco and the tecnique of using tempera on panel. His first works were the decoration of the Ovetari chapel in the church of the Eremites in Padua, the "St Luke polyptych", now at the Brera Pinacoteca, the "Prayer in the orchard" at London's NGA (with its harsh and rocky landscape, an important characteristic of the school of Ferrara), also painted several years before by his brother-in-law, Giovanni Bellini, and the large "St Zeno altarpiece" {3172}. His paintings have a notable element of Classicism, and in some the architectural features are accurately portrayed in minute detail. He moved to Mantua, to the court of the Gonzaga family, where he created the triptych {5568}. Mention should also be made of the "Death of the Virgin" {3170}, and even more importantly of the superb decoration of the Picta room, sometimes known as the Marriage Chamber, in the Ducal Palace in Mantova with the portrayal of the entire court of the Gonzagas, which included animals as well as dwarves, enriched with all kinds of decoration (on the ceiling is a beautiful perspective oculo, or window, with putto, people and a bird to create the illusion of extra height in the room). Also at the Uffizi is the "Portrait of a man", identified as Cardinal Carlo de' Medici, looking strong-willed and energetic, and the suffering and thoughtful "Virgin of the mines". Among Mantegna's other works most noteworthy are the "Virgin of the Victory", "Parnassus" and "Athena expels the Vices from the garden of the Virtues" at the Louvre, the two versions of "St Sebastian", one at the Museum of Historic Art in Vienna and the other at the Ca' d'Oro in Venice, "St George" at the Accademia in Venice and the "Dead Christ" at Brera, as well as a number of drawings and engravings in various museums.
In ~1453 Mantegna married Nicolosia Bellini and in so doing allies himself professionally with her brother, Giovanni, to whom he imparts Donatellian ideas.
The two London panels depicting the Agony in the Garden by Mantegna and Bellini respectively define the artistic interdependence of the two brothers-in-law: the technical innovations and organization of the Paduan painter and the pre-eminence of the Venetian in the field of light and color.

С 1460 придворный живописец в Мантуе.

From 1460 Mantegna worked in Mantua as court artist for three generations of Gonzaga rulers. In addition to the altarpieces and decorations for various residences, he also painted a number of comparatively small pictures for private devotion.
Уже современников художника поражало его владение ракурсами. Однако никогда в творчестве Мантеньи они не выступали только как художественный трюк.
Богородица и Младенец {6236}
Virgin and Child

Богородица и Младенец на троне

Virgin and Child enthroned Богородица и Младенец на троне со святыми
Virgin and Child enthroned with saints Богородица и Младенец с серафимами и херувимами {1676}
Virgin and Child with seraphim and cherubim

Богородица и Младенец со свв. Иоанном Крестителем и Марией Магдалиной {2160}

Virgin and Child with SS John the Baptist and Mary Magdalene


Ascension Обрезание
Circumcision of Christ Оплакивание
Lamentation over the dead Christ Поклонение пастухов {3169}
Adoration of the shepherds

Распятие с предстоящими

Crucifixion with attendants Св. Семейство
Holy Family Сретение {3171}
Presentation of Christ at the temple

Успение {3170}

Death of the Virgin

Христос с душой Богородица {3170}

Christ receiving the Virgin's soul
вид иконы:
иконостас {3172}

триптих {5568}

гравюра {6236}


К числу его произведений относятся также:
Богоматерь шахтная
Virgin of the mines Богородица и Младенец с херувимами
by workshop
Virgin museum
Peter museum
Valenik Рейтинг@Mail.ru