Иорданс Я.
Jacob Jordaens
Якоб Иорданс (1593 - 1678)
Jacob Jordaens, Flemish painter (Antwerp).
About 1615 Jordaens was admitted to the Antwerp art guild.
By 1621 he had his own workshop and was head of the guild.
His talent attracted the attention of the Flemish master Peter Paul Rubens, who employed him as an assistant.
Jordaens became famous and was overwhelmed with commissions, the most important coming after the death of Rubens in 1640.
Поклонение пастухов
Adoration of the shepherds Св. Родня {1864}
Holy Kinship

Св. Семейство с пастухами {1863}
Holy Family with shepherds

Св. Семейство со св. Анной, юным Крестителем, его родителями и ангелом {1864}
The Holy Family with St Anna, young John the Baptist, his parents and angel
К его богородичным работам относятся также:
Богородица и Младенец в гирлянде цветов
Virgin and Child in garland of flowers Св. Семейство с ангелом
Holy Family with angel Богородица и Младенец с юным Крестителем и его родителями
Virgin and Child with young John the Baptist and his parents Coronation of the Virgin by the Holy Trinity Обручение св. Екатерины {1947}
The mystic marriage of St Catherine

Оплакивание Поклонение волхвов Св. Родня
Holy Kinship Св. Родня с ангелом Св. Семейство с пастухами
The Holy Family with shepherds Сретение
Virgin museum
Peter museum
Valenik Рейтинг@Mail.ru