Йос ван Клеве, ст.
Joos van Cleve the Elder
Йос ван Клеве, ст. (Йос ван дер Беке)(1464 - ~1540)
Joos van Cleve (van der Beke), Flemish painter, earlier was known as the Master of the Death of Maria after his painting {3030}.
С 1511 мастер антверпенской гильдии св. Луки.
He worked in Antwerp and later he was the court painter of Francis I, King of France.
Богородица и Младенец
Virgin and Child Оплакивание
Lamentation over the Christ Поклонение волхвов
Adoration of the magi Распятие с предстоящими {2516}
Crucifixion with attendants

Св. Семейство {3032}

The Holy Family


К его богородичным работам относится также:
Остановка в Эксиле {2219}
Virgin museum
Peter museum
Valenik Рейтинг@Mail.ru