Исенбрант А.
Andriaen Isenbrant
Андриан Исенбрант ( 1515 - 51 )
Flemish painter was active in Bruges.
He painted under the influence of Gerard David and later Mabuse.
Beginning in 1510, he is listed as a Master of the painter's guild in Bruges as a foreigner. In spite of holding a number of offices there from 1516 to 1548, there are no documented paintings by him. Isenbrandt is said to have worked under Gerard David, and consequently, a considerable body of work that continues David's style of devotional painting is attributed to him.
Архангел Михаил и свв. Андрей и Франциск Ассизский на фоне Распятия с предстоящими {3024}
Archangel Michael and SS Andrew and Francis of Assisi

Богородица и Младенец {3022}

Virgin and Child

Богородица и Младенец на троне с ангелами {5575}

Virgin and Child enthroned with angels

Отдых на пути в Египет {3023}

Rest during the flight to Egypt
Virgin museum
Peter museum
Valenik Рейтинг@Mail.ru