Hans Holbein the Younger, German painter, one of the most accomplished masters of Renaissance portraiture, and a designer of woodcuts, stained glass, and jewelry.
В 1515...26 работал в Базеле, создавая религиозные композиции, портреты, живописно-декоративные произведения, графические работы.
By 1515 Holbein the Younger had established himself in Basel, Switzerland, as a book illustrator.
He designed many title-page woodcuts and completed a series of pen-and-ink sketches for The Praise of Folie by the Dutch scholar Desiderius Erasmus.
In the period 1523 to about 1526 Holbein increased his reputation as a book illustrator by a series of 51 drawings portraying the medieval allegorical theme the Dance of Death and by a series of woodcuts for the German translation of the Bible by Martin Luther.
В 1526 уехал в Англию.
В 1528...32 - снова в Базеле, где создал рисунки к Библии (изданы в 1538 в гравюрах на дереве Лютцельбургера Х.)
В 1532 возвратился в Англию.
С 1936 придворный художник короля Генриха VIII.
Holbein worked for many years in England as the court painter for Henry the Eighth.
Богоматерь бургомистра Мейера, или Дармштадтская
Virgin and Child with the family of Burgomaster Meyer, or Virgin of Darmstadt