Рени Г.
Guido Reni
Гвидо Рени (1575 - 1642)
Italian artist.
The Bologna painter enjoyed the highest reputation during his life time and throughout the 17th and 18th centuries, until Ruskin demolished his reputation for his sentimental religiosity.
Nevertheless, he remains the one of the great painters of the Counter-Reformation.
There is his St Michael the Archangel in church of Santa Maria della Concezione de Cappuccini in Rome.
Annunciation Богородица и Младенец {6203}
Virgin and Child

Вознесение Богородицы {5828}

Ascension of the Virgin

Млекопитательница {6203}

Virgin the Breast-feeding


К его богородичным работам относится также:
Богородица Богородица и Младенец на троне Богородица и Младенец с ангелами и святыми Коронование Богородицы Поклонение пастухов Святое Семейство на пути в Египет Сошествие Св. Духа на апостолов и Богородицу
Pentecost ~ Сцена из юности Марии
Virgin museum
Peter museum
Valenik Рейтинг@Mail.ru