Гус Х. ван дер
Hugo van der Goes
Хуго ван дер Гус (~1437 - 1482), нидерландский живописец.
С 1475 работал в монастыре Родендале.
The greatest Netherlandish painter of the late 15th century.
Although his working life was very short - a mere 14 years - it was long enough for Hugo van der Goes to establish himself as a major innovator with a powerful creative imagination.
There are 15 altarpieces and paintings by his hand that are known today.
Annunciation (Богородица и Младенец на троне с ангелами и свв. Екатериной и Варварой {3107}
Virgin and Child enthroned with angels and SS Catherine and Barbara)

Богородица и Младенец с цветком

Virgin and Child with flower Оплакивание
Lamentation over Christ Поклонение волхвов
Adoration of the magi Поклонение пастухов
Adoration of the shepherds Распятие с предстоящими
Crucifixion with attendants Успение {1392}
Death of the Virgin
вид иконы:
altarpiece триптих
Virgin museum
Peter museum
Valenik Рейтинг@Mail.ru