Giotto di Bondone
Джотто ди Бондоне (Колле ди Веспиньяано / Виккьо ди Муджелло) (~1266 - 1337), итальянский живописец.
Giotto di Bondone, Italian painter.
Сын Бондоне.

Giotto's entire output consists of religious works, primarily altarpieces and church frescoes. Few remain in good condition, and most have disappeared entirely or have been almost wholly repainted. Others cannot be securely attributed to him and are more likely to be the work of followers or apprentices.

Вполне вероятно, что в ~1285 Джотто работал в верхней церкви собора св. Франциска в Ассизи над росписями циклов Житие св. Исаака и Житие св. Франциска.

After the two scenes of the story of Isaac, the frescoes in the Upper Church at Assisi continue in the bay nearest the entrance. The work began, as was the custom in the vault, where the four Doctors of the Church are depicted, and probably proceeded along the upper walls in the large lunettes flanking the windows where scenes from the Old and New Testament are arranged on two levels. Of the Old Testament scenes, the two of Joseph (Joseph cast into the Pit by his Brothers and the Joseph and his Brethren) in the lower tier are still partially comprehensible, while there remains only a fragment of the scene above, the Death of Abel.

The fragmentary New Testament scenes include Christ among the Doctors, the Baptism of Christ, the Lamentation {2942} and the Resurrection. This series is concluded on the entrance wall with the large scenes of the Ascension and the Pentecost, which are surmounted by rounders of busts of SS Peter and Paul, and surrounded by a series of full-length figures of saints arranged in pairs on the soffit of the entrance arch. The saints stand within lovely mullioned shrines painted illusionistically using the same technique that was to be applied to the framings of the Legend of St Francis.

Тесные отношения с францисканцами он сохранял и впоследствии, расписывая другие церкви этого ордена:

В 1303...05 в Падуе он написал цикл фресок Житие Христа и Богородица в капелле Энрико Скровеньи.
Enrico Scrovegni commissions Florentine painter Giotto di Bondone, the most famous artist of his day, to fresco the Arena Chapel in Padua. Giotto's dramatic and highly naturalistic compositions of the life of the Virgin and of Christ are widely admired and copied by later artists. Authors Dante, Boccaccio, and Petrarch praise him as an innovator.

В 1334 ему доверено общее руководство строительством гражданских, военных и церковных зданий Флоренции.

В этом же году он стал главным строителем флорентийского собора, спроектировал для него колокольню, которая носит его имя.
A large bell tower, or campanile, is designed for the cathedral of Florence by Giotto di Bondone, and finished by goldsmith Andrea Pisano and architect Francesco Talenti. Reflecting the diverse talents of the artists involved, the tower is a highly pictorial and sculptural monument, whose height and ornateness embody the civic pride of the Florentine community.
Бегство в Египет {1995}
Flight into Egypt

Благовещение {4544}


Богоматерь во славе {1350}

Virgin in glory

Богородица и Младенец

Virgin and Child Богородица и Младенец на троне с ангелами и святыми {1350}
Virgin and Child enthroned with angels and saints

Богородица и Младенец на троне с архангелами и святыми

Virgin and Child enthroned with archangels and saints Богородица и Младенец со свв. Николаем, Иоанном Богословом, Петром и Бенедиктом
Virgin and Child with SS Nicholas, John the Evangelist, Peter and Benedict Богоявление {2947}

Введение во храм {2939}

Presentation of Virgin at the temple

Вифлеемское избиение младенцев {1349}

Bethlehem massacre of the Innocents

Вознесение Господне {3315}



Deesis Епифания {2947}

Коронование БР

Coronation of Virgin Мадонна Оньиссанти {1350}
Madonna Onissanti

Обручение Марии {4543}

Marriage of the Maria


Lamentation Отрок Христос среди учителей иудейских {5746}
Disputation with the Doctors

Поклонение волхвов {2943}

Adoration of the magi

Посещение Елизаветы Марией

Visitation Распятие с клеймами
Crucifixion with frames Распятие с предстоящими
Crucifixion with attendants Рождество
Nativity Рождество Марии {4542}
Birth of Maria

Свадебная процессия {2948}

Wedding procession

Свадьба в Кане {2949}

The wedding feast at Cana

Сошествие Св. Духа на апостолов и Богородица {2950}


Сретение {4545}


Успение {2951}

Death of the Virgin
вид иконы:
иконостас {2952}


polyptych чин {5525}
Virgin museum
Peter museum
Valenik Рейтинг@Mail.ru